If you are thinking to learn a language, there is no better language than Japanese or nihongo, as they call it.
Learn Japanese by first learning how to speak Japanese, which is relatively easy.
You don’t need to know or study grammar to speak Japanese. Just use it!
Learning Japanese is best done through practice, in much the same way that you learned your native language.
You were able to speak your native tongue long before you went to school.
We’re going to learn basic sentence patterns and some useful Japanese phrases, through a basic Japanese conversation.
Let's learn to speak Japanese before getting into grammar.
All you need to do is replace a word or two in the basic patterns that we will learn, to say what you want to say.
Speaking Japanese is not difficult.
In fact it is rather easy, once you’ve mastered a few basic sentence patterns.
In order to use this Japanese course for beginners, you do not need to have any knowledge whatsoever of Japanese. If you do, that's OK too.
The idea is to be able to think actively in Japanese, rather than passively.
This means that when you think of something you want to say, then POW, it comes to you in Japanese.
The dialogues are all written using the English alphabet, which in Japanese they call “Romaji.”
I would suggest you spend at least 10 minutes a day.
Don’t do a big block of time one day and then nothing for a few days.
Each day, begin at the beginning and work through, no matter where you got to in your previous session.
You will find that you will take less time going through the exercises each time and so will get further the next time.
Plus you will have a better grasp of what you covered in your previous session.
More importantly, the Japanese will be starting to associate with your English.
For improving pronunciation and for future study, learning the Japanese alphabet, which they call “Hiragana,” would be a good idea.
However, do that when you have mastered a basic conversation.
The Japanese alphabet is of a similar length to the English one and not difficult.
There is another alphabet that the Japanese use. This is called "katakana" and is used for writing foreign words. The Japanese alphabet symbols used in katakana are similar to hiragana.
Once you have mastered the dialogues, press the “Hiragana” button and study the Hiragana Chart.
After that, go through the conversations again as Hiragana practice.
After you’ve mastered the basic conversation in Hiragana and are used to Japanese letters, now would be the time to get into kanji, the Chinese symbols, and Japanese grammar.
You will need a bit of grammar if you want to read.
So, now we go through the conversations, yet again, checking out the grammar points and gaining an introduction to Kanji.
Kanji are the Chinese characters, which the Japanese use in their writing.
At this point you will be set up for an easy and enjoyable study of Japanese.
You will now be able to learn Japanese and apply it quickly.
When you want to start, press the “dialogue in romaji” link.